Join the JEurope conference

Take part in the first edition one of the largest conferences centered around Java technologies in Warsaw. You must be there!

JEurope 2024 is one of the largest conferences about Java in Warsaw.

The first edition launches on September 12, 2024, at ul. Emilii Plater 53 (on the 23rd floor) in the center of Warsaw. It is aimed at IT professionals who want to find their way around the world of the latest technologies, tools, and businesses.

The event brings together architects, consultants, programmers, AI specialists, data specialists, security specialists, and representatives of large companies.

Expect the highest level of presentation and influential speakers from the Polish IT industry. Meet recognized and innovative IT companies that will present themselves at their stands. Connect with companies through the IT Job Fair and IT Services Fair that will take place during the conference.


Check the main themes and find your reason to visit our conference.​



Software architecture






Why it’s worth it

Job Fairs

One-of-a-kind Job Fairs with offers for different types/classes of specialists of Java technologies.

Big event

It’s one of the largest conferences dedicated to Java in Warsaw. Attend 5 technical presentations about Java technology.

Fresh opportunities

Meet a new company in Poland that is a leading Java employer.

Amazing speakers

The best speakers of the Polish IT scene. Learn their methods for success in IT!




Opening of the conference


Transforming foundation of a 60-year-old fintech in a nutshell


Sebastian Gos

Development Manager, BEC


Virtual Threads in Action

In this short live-coding session, we'll see what those famous Virtual Threads are, how to use them, and what to avoid in order to not hurt ourselves. 100% live coded.

Grzegorz Piwowarek

Java Expert


Break and networking


Hipokamp vs AI - LLM nie potrafi tego co ty

Wiele problemów nad którymi pracujemy zostało już dawno temu rozwiązane.
Wystarczy "jedynie" zbudować model problemu oparty o odpowiednią
strukturę danych i algorytm.
Łatwo powiedzieć... ale jak w gąszczu pojęć domenowych zauważyć
analogię do... grafu, kolejki priorytetowej, algorytmu plecakowego?
W środku swojej czaszki masz strukturę mózgu, która zajmuje się
generalizowaniem i przenoszeniem znaczeń - jeto to hipokamp.
W trakcie prezentacji pokażemy co konkretne techniki wnioskowania,
które pozwolą wyrachować clue problemu i oddzielić go od specyficznych
dla biznesu pobocznych modeli.
Sieć neuronowa hipokampa działa za zupełnie innej zasadzie niż sieć LLM.

Sławomir Sobótka, Jakub Pilimon

Bottega IT Minds


Break and networking


Loyalty Skyrocket to the AWS Cloud

The presentation focuses on automating the infrastructure for customer loyalty programs using AWS, highlighting efficient strategies to design, implement, and manage scalable and secure environments. It covers the integration of essential AWS services and outlines our approach for deploying a robust loyalty program infrastructure.

Krzysztof Strug

Payback Group


Lunch time


Bringing shadows to light - how shadowing and shading Java classes can save us a headache.

Surely you have encountered an error informing you that you cannot find a class or method in a class. However, do you know what can cause such problems? In this talk, we will look at the reasons for this, as well as how shading and shadowing can be used for our purpose.

Kamil Banach

Java Expert


Break and networking


Testing code is simple. Strategy is to write units and integration.

"Oh... Now I see... I mean Integration tests between `modules`, while you mean between `components`" - Discovered after an hour-long discussion during Code Review. They need one more our to find out that integrating a `module` is very different from `component`. But first things first, let them discover first that they define a `module` and `component` in a different way. Then the tester says: Integration is when we connect `microservices` together...
Is that true that we can only develop unit, integration and E2E tests? Then what is the `unit`? And `Integration` - means we integrate what? It's worth to pick one of the testing strategies. Wow... so we can have a strategy? And there's more than one to choose? Show us!
I will! but please leave behind your boundaries and prepare to embrace something new.

Jacek Milewski

Java Expert


End of the conference

Our conference

Knowledge and inspiration

JEurope 2024 is an excellent place to gain new insights and learn new skills. You’ll have the chance to listen to presentations by outstanding experts in Java technologies, who will share their experiences and best practices. This is a great opportunity to discover new techniques, tools, and approaches related to Java technologies that can help you in your programming skills development.

#java #software #event

Network of contacts

Our onsite conferences creates a perfect opportunity to establish new professional contacts. You’ll be able to meet other Java technology enthusiasts, programmers, specialists, and company representatives who share your interests and passion for this programming language. You can exchange experiences, ask questions, and even find potential collaboration opportunities, and even work.


diamond sponsor

platinum sponsors

technology partner

join the sponsors

Why is it worth becoming the sponsor of JEurope 2024?

  • We’re the one of the largest conferences about Java in Warsaw.
  • We reach the most experienced specialists from all over Poland.
  • We believe in the high substantive value.
  • A chance to present job offers to the conference participants.
  • An opportunity to share the knowledge and build a substantive company image.

book your ticket

What’s in it for you?

  • Free ticket to the conference.
  • Access to unique conference content.
  • Possibility to watch substantive presentations.
  • Chance to ask questions to speakers after their speeches.
  • Opportunity to learn about new companies and new career development opportunities.
  • Integration with participants from all over Poland.
  • Access to the Java Job Fair.
  • Free catering and drinks.

Join the idea

We support a charity

We encourage all participants of the JEurope 2024 conference to support the Lubelskie Hospicjum dla Dzieci im. Małego Księcia. Hospice helps terminally ill children.
You can donate 1.5% of your tax to the organization or pay any amount to their treasury.
More information can be found on the official website:

Media partners

Here are the media brands that are already with us! If you want to join, please contact us.

community partners

Copyright JEurope© 2024 All Rights Reserved

Sławomir Sobótka

Bottega IT Minds

Od 15 lat jestem właścicielem firmy szkoleniowo doradczej Bottega IT Minds zrzeszającej 70 ekspertów technicznych.
Równolegle współpracuję jako inwestor i CTO z kilkoma startupami:
– Cortivision – obrazowanie pracy mózgu w bliskiej podczerwieni i badanie układu nerwowego w stanie nieważkości na międzynarodowej stacji kosmicznej
– Augmented Neural Systems – sceny VR wspomagające system hormonalno-odpornościowy w walce z rakiem
– Augmented Reality Training Systems – rzeczywistość dopełniona w treningach strzeleckich
– Devskiller – automatyzacja rekrutacji i zarządzanie kompetencjami w organizacjach IT

W ciągu 21 lat pracy w branży IT pełniłem role programisty,
architekta, lidera zespołu, mentora i trenera. W codziennej pracy integruję: Domain Driven Design, wzorce, style architektoniczne, zwinne procesy wytwórcze i zdrowy rozsądek. Stosuję nadrzędną zasadę: rozpoznać klasę problemu z jaką mamy do czynienia i dobrać do niej odpowiednią klasę narzędzia. Hobbystycznie interesuję się psychologią pozytywną i kognitywistyką.


Jacek Milewski

Java Expert

I create software with care for clean code, tests and architecture. I have a pragmatic architecture approach and design it to fit business needs. I trust in use automation and observability. Doing the User friendly and performant things satisfies me the most. My goal is to be in an environment that drives my personal development. Advocating that the only way to deliver software product fast, is to build it in a high quality.


Krzysztof Strug

Senior DevOPS, Loyalty Partner Polska

Krzysztof is a seasoned IT professional with over 20 years of experience in the industry. His career began as a System Engineer, where he honed his technical skills before transitioning into Project Management roles. Currently, he serves as a Senior DevOps Engineer at Payback Polska, where he is a key member of the team responsible for developing the AWS infrastructure Blueprint.
Throughout his career, Krzysztof has amassed extensive experience in Enterprise Document and Content Management platforms, as well as CRM platforms. He has contributed to numerous projects across various sectors, including Banking, Telecommunications, and FMCG, showcasing his versatility and expertise.
On a personal note, Krzysztof is a proud father of two daughters. He is also a passionate ham radio operator, known by the call sign SP9RPS, and enjoys hiking in his free time. Additionally, he has a deep love for music, playing various instruments, and takes great pleasure in overengineering his smart home.


Jakub Pilimon

Field CTO at DevSkiller

Jakub is Field CTO at DevSkiller, blogger, passionate programmer and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development and Spring. Being a microservice freak, architecture is his main area of interest too. When he does not program he rides motorbike, skis or grows his beard. Also, here is his DZone MVB awarded blog:


Kamil Banach

Java Expert

Software engineer and team leader with nearly a decade of experience in developing and maintaining web applications, with a particular focus on applications written in the Java ecosystem. Neither afraid of working on code, even on code that is already “legacy”, nor designing a CI/CD process for an application. Fan of clean, simple code that solves business problems in the simplest (and readable) way. 


Grzegorz Piwowarek

Java Expert

Grzegorz Piwowarek – independent consultant, vavr project lead – runs training courses and blogs at He is interested in distributed systems, performance, cloud, and architecture. There are rumours that he only exists at compile time.


Sebastian Gos

Development Manager, BEC

Development Manager at BEC Financial Technologies. In his professional life, he implements micro frontend architecture and trains developers. Privately, he is a happy @tatakodzi. In his free time, he is passionate about playing and collecting guitars and breeding shrimps.